
The linguistic/techno/scientific revolution we’re living through is happening whether we want it to or not. Within that reality, my work is focused on how contemporary media influences and constitutes or destroys our world (often simultaneously). While I celebrate and exploit the dissolution of entrenched binaries and dualisms within a symbolic realm that feels dangerously unstable and/or wonderfully fluid, depending on your point of view, I also lament the loss of truths and a common ground. However, I try to avoid negative nostalgia, nihilism or sanctimony. Influenced by Maya Deren’s call to discover a new language for film in the 1930s and 40s, in the 21st century I embrace an expanded definition of 'the image', encompassing optical, sonic, and haptic elements. I categorically reject any media hierarchy. This means mixing various materials – from tinfoil, film, and textiles to AI-generated content and organic matter – while rejecting received wisdom about the value of this or that medium over another. This results in projects that aim to traipse across and through boundaries, manifesting simultaneously in print, online, or installation, with image, text and performance. Nevertheless, I heed Hannah Arendt’s warning in Truth and Politics; beware of images made in the mechanised (and now automated) world, however they come into being.

In 2023, I graduated with an MA in Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies (Distinction). My final project, LAMELLA:// was nominated for the Mullen NOVA CSM award and received one from Hahnemüehle for most creative use of their paper. In 2022, why is there an astronaut in a field of flowers/ was one of seven projects selected for Format/Derby Quad’s Future Focus Exhibition and received a Format Award.

Elsewhere, I work with artists and photographers, developing websites and supporting/mentoring while working on specific projects. I offer structured feedback, as well as practical support and theoretical guidance. I can help with websites, blogging, AI image-generation, ethics around the image, and zine/digital publication . Please inquire about fees or request further information.