Follow Lamia and Field in dialogues for one as they explore what it means to be human in the contemporary landscape. Will artificial intelligence annihilate humanity? Or will humanity use technology to annihilate itself? Given The Human’s capacity for destruction, is it worth pursuing the humanist project? Or are the solutions for a better world found outside humanism altogether? All these questions are in play as Lamia and Field get to know each other.
Images included are titled >>Lamella (prompt-engineered), 2022<< made with AI generators shortly after they were released to the public, placed within and part of the dialogue, which aims to explore the intra-active co-becoming of machine and human. A5 60 page booklet, including covers. Recycled paper. Inner pages 100gsm. Cover 300gsm. Full colour. Printed 2023. Note: Edition has sold out but a small number of misprinted versions are available. Please contact me for further information.
In addition to the booklet, >>Lamella (prompt-engineered), 2022<< prints can be purchased, either as single images or as a grid.
The dialogue was originally written as an MA research project and titled:
On life as discourse in the digital age
As related to and by Sarah-Jane Field